Press comment regarding Tomas Willstedt 


A forcibly convincing musician!

Haarlems Dagblad 


The audience and press emphasize the masterly qualities of his music.

Dansk Organistblad 


A peak of the concert series!

Rostocker Tageblatt 


An organ virtuoso of first order.

Ars Organi 


By all accounts a sovereign improviser!

NCRV radio 4   


Verdict on Tomas Willstedt  

An organist divinely gifted!

Egil Hovland 


Look out! 

An organist who deserves attention!

Piet Kee 


I recommend him to be a part of the international scene!

Klaas Bolt 


A cogent interpret and improviser, with overpowering artistic sense.

Hans-Joachim Bartsch 


One of our best musical minds.

Carl Bengtsson 


A leader in his field.

Bedrich Janacek